My tragedy? Worldly Entertainment.

So, this post is about something that isn't necessarily pertinent, but it is something that I always live with and I would like to talk about. I will probably edit this later, adding details and whatnot.

I'm not great with long-story-short, but I'll do my best with my life story.

Born in Tennessee, my parents divorced when I was four and my mom moved my brother and I to Mississippi where she met my step-dad. They married and I grew up in a christian home with a step-dad who was emotionally abusive most of the time and with myself being a horrible sibling to the purest-souled individual on the planet. (I felt powerless and took out my anger on my little brother.) When I was 17, my parents went hunting after a night out, my mom came home and my dad didn't. She went to jail with no time to save, no other suspects, no investigation, no justice. I'm not saying she's innocent, I'm not saying she's guilty.  I'm saying they didn't care.

My dad's sister  pushed for everything, ruining our lives. She cut off the water at our house when my mother was in jail, she actively defamed my mother with the locals and beer bottles and rocks were thrown at our house during the night as speeding trucks thundered into the woods with the insults of rednecks, she gave us three days to move all of our belongings out of our own house. On fucking Christmas. And then, to really go for the gold, she contacted Oxygen and starred in a totally ludacris episode of Snapped about my mom.

Thus we have the main focus of this post.

They said their piece, here is mine.

The snapped episode does many crazy things, like using my name and picture without my permission, a picture of me when I was only 14, btw. And, the people that speak are obviously speaking around something when they are talking about me. That I'm gay. Big. Fucking. Woop. But, no, to them, I was "weird," and "odd," and "strange." And oh god, the shit they said about my mom. Saying she rolled around on graves and spoke in tongues, worshipped the devil and shit. Sara talked about her reading tarot cards. That, she did. However, I can name fifty girls and guys I know who read or claim to read tarot cards or oracle cards. Granted, it isn't the cultural norm, but our cultural norm is praying to an invisible man in the sky and preaching words from a book written by servants to a king and revised at the king's hand, then mass produced before anyone could stop the book from being circulated.

Anyway. The whole worshipping the devil thing really got me because I was raised in a very Christian home. I, myself, am not Christian, but I like to attribute that to my intellect. My mother is no longer Christian, because she feels God has failed her, but that change occurred after she was thrown in jail before being able to mourn her dead husband. Before his funeral had even been planned.

That's all I've got to say right now.

Thanks for reading!


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